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This year, however, the authorities have spared the scaly anteater-like animal, which is facing extinction.—National Geographic, 11 June 2020 The animals, also known as scaly anteaters, are sold as food in many countries, including China, and have been a prime suspect as a possible source of the pandemic.—Maggie Fox, CNN, 29 May 2020 The scaly anteaters may benefit from the attention Editor’s note: The Economist is making some of its most important coverage of the covid-19 pandemic freely available to readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter.—The Economist, 30 Apr. 2020 Parts of its structure also resemble a virus found in scaly anteaters, according to a paper published earlier this month in the journal Nature Medicine.—Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 27 Mar. 2020 With its hard covering and ability to roll into a small ball when threatened, the scaly anteater, as it is also known, has an advantage over most predators.—The Economist, 30 Apr. 2020 The international team of experts says that the presence of the SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses means that pangolins, a species of scaly anteater, should be viewed as a possible carrier in the ongoing pandemic.—Fox News, 27 Mar. 2020 Scientists believe that the virus began in bats and likely passed through an intermediate host; some speculate that this may have been pangolins, scaly anteaters that are sometimes consumed as a delicacy in China.—Peter Hessler, The New Yorker, 23 Mar. 2020 But pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are now the leading suspects.—Rachel Nuwer, New York Times, 19 Feb. 2020